Bed Bugs

What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are small insects associated with people and have become common household pests. They are oval and the size of an apple seed. After feeding, their reddish-brown body will swell and expand and turn a deep purple color.
Bed bugs are external parasites as they feed on their hosts from the outside of their bodies. In addition, bed bugs don't live full-time on their hosts; they eat and then retreat to their hiding spots.
The female bed bug can lay around five hundred eggs over their lifetime, so just a handful of bed bugs in your home unnoticed can lead to a large, difficult-to-control infestation.
Are bed bugs dangerous?
Even though bed bugs feed on our blood, they aren't a significant health threat, unlike most other blood-feeding insects. Bed bugs aren't currently known to transmit diseases to people. However, that doesn't mean they are harmless. They do pose some health risks.
Bed bug bites are itchy, and excessive scratching can lead to secondary infections. Some people are allergic to bed bug salvia and may experience an allergic reaction that requires medical attention. Bed bugs can also affect our mental health. Knowing we are sharing our homes with these pests is unsettling and can lead to increased stress levels and interrupted sleep.
Why do I have a bed bug problem?
Bed bugs are small pests and avid hitchhikers. They use their size to their advantage and move from place to place unnoticed in things like secondhand furniture, electronics, and mattresses. They will also crawl onto our clothing and into our luggage. Once we introduce bed bugs into our homes, they will quickly find a hiding spot that puts them near us as we sleep so they can easily feed on our blood.
Some of the most common places to come into contact with bed bugs are hotels, airports, laundry mats, movie theaters, and dormitories. Though it is important to note that there is a chance of coming into contact with bed bugs anywhere there are people!
Where will I find bed bugs?
There are many places in our homes where bed bugs will hide. The longer the infestation is present, the more they will travel throughout your home. Some of their favorite daytime hideouts include:
- Cracks in walls and spaces behind trim and baseboards
- Cracks in wooden furniture, especially headboards and footboards
- Within upholstered furniture
- In the seams of mattresses and box springs
- Inside electronics
- Behind electrical outlets
- Wall voids
- Under piles of clutter
Mainly nocturnal, bed bugs primarily feed at night and are typically most active from two to five a.m. They will emerge from their hiding spots in the late evening and early morning and feed on their sleeping hosts.
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
Don't try to tackle a bed bug infestation on your own. If bed bugs have hitchhiked their way into your home, the most effective solution is a professional solution. At All State Pest Control, our experienced professionals will quickly come to your aid, perform a detailed inspection, and treat your bed bug infestation. Call today to learn more about bed bug control in Nassau or Suffolk Counties!
How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?
To help you reduce the chance of bed bugs taking over your Nassau or Suffolk County home, we have compiled a list of our most helpful tips:
- When traveling, inspect hotel or motel rooms for signs of bed bugs before bringing your belongings inside.
- After returning home from traveling, wash all clothing on a high heat cycle.
- Clean out and sanitize luggage you took on a trip before storing it away.
- Avoid purchasing used furniture or mattresses for your home.
- Regularly vacuum your house.
- Regularly wash bedding and place bed bug-proof covers over your family's mattresses and box springs.
- At the first sign of bed bugs, their shed skins, or after finding drops of blood or dark streaks on bedding, mattresses, or upholstered furniture, reach out to a home pest control professional for help.